Diona Doherty is a renowned Irish comedian recognised for her starring role in BBC Northern Ireland’s Soft Border Patrol. She has also guest-starred in the famous Derry Girls on Channel 4 and is a permanent panellist on The Blame Game. An exceptional performer, Diona succeeded in reaching the Northern Irish final of the BBC New Comedy Award and is a regular performer with the Hole in the Wall Gang.
A writer and cast member on Radio Ulster’s A Perforated Ulster, Diona is also frequently featured on Give My Head Peace and is a member of the Dry Your Eyes cast. She has also appeared on Read All About It with Dave Elliot and is the host of Remember When…? with Diona Doherty, where she discusses pop culture with a weekly guest, including Ciaran Bartlett, India Sasha and Eoghan Quigg, among others.
Now booked for a variety of events, Diona is an incredibly popular stand-up comedian, captivating and engaging audiences with her original content and remarkable sense of humour.